Winston. I too am at the age where almost done raising a large family. Experiencing the grandpa stages and getting lots of son in laws. Often these kids don’t have some areas learned in their lives. I like your simple read. I write Well of Inspiration. Just started in Substack. Pretty fun. It’s a great way to refer folks too.

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Welcome to Substack Donald. Often it takes experience to understand our own journey and good for us to pass it down. I am happy to hear you are also writing. I will be checking out your newsletter too.

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Wow Winston . You have beautifully summarised the different phases of life. I believe that whatever phase we are into, we should learn and grow from our past experiences as life is a journey rather than trying to reach a destination . Very soulful read 🙏🏻

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Thank you Parul, I appreciate your kind feedback. 🙏🏻 I am glad you enjoyed it.

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