Once I drove 5 hours to speak for 90 minutes. A thousand people, and only one sought me afterwords. Turns out, that conversation was the real reason I was there. All for one new friend who blessed me as much as I (may) have him.

Worth it.

Now I post with that in mind.

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That is a great experience. Thank you for sharing with us Todd.

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Winston - you could have substituted my name for Emily’s throughput this piece. It resonated deeply with me because I don’t have a huge following and my earnings are meagre. But, like Emily, I write because it’s part of who I am. I can’t imagine my life without writing. But, like all creatives, it would be great to have more people enjoying my work- to have a wider reach. But it’s an overcrowded marketplace out there. One has to be strong, resilient and determined to succeed. And it’s the dedicated followers and subscribers who make it all worthwhile. Thank you for an inspirational and engaging post.

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I am with you Rosy. Keep going!

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Thanks, Winston.

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So true. We all could be Emily. Sometimes the things we write quickly that we may think might not say much, mean the most. Other times we are taking time for perfection and it seems to affect no one. Thing is , what’s our perspective. Writing creates discipline in our lives. He allows reflection which makes us better people. Substack is great. The community is great. That’s you all!

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You made a great point, Donald. “Sometimes the things we write quickly that we may think might not say much, mean the most.” I agree fully.

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Very perceptive words. I often write poetry not for the fame or money as I’m unpublished but for the enjoyment it gives me. I eagerly await the inspiration of sensing in some small but unique way an insight or relationship I had never noticed until that moment.

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Keep writing for the joy it brings you—there’s something truly special in that.

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I write for myself, if it resonates with others that is a bonus. You never will know what will help others. Thank you for example of what can happen if one consistently writes 🙏☺️✍️

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Thank you Marjorie

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Winston, I keep writing because I must. I think we all do.

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Indeed Pamela. We keep writing because we must.

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Sep 15Liked by Coffee Times

This is something I’ve been thinking about recently too. About why I write. Why I share, even when my words or art sometimes seem like they’re getting lost in the void.

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Keep going Shinjini.

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