It's good that you wrote this article. The way you write about your departure last year and where you are now explains so much.

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Thank you so much for your kind words Elizabeth! Recounting on my departure last year and where I am now was a necessary reflection for me, and I'm glad it resonated with you. Thank you for letting me know.

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Good to hear from you Winston! I truly enjoyed writing for Coffee Times - a belated thank you for all your heroic efforts to keep it afloat! I enjoyed your post, stay the course!

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Thank you so much for your kind words James! I'm glad you enjoyed my post. I'll certainly do my best to stay the course and continue delivering content that resonates. Your support fuels my passion, and I'm grateful for it.

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Haha, thank you for this. I don't even have statistics to rise or fall but I'm in for this journey. Why? Because of the things you mentioned here ---- I like to write for myself, not in that narcissistic way but for self-discovery, to improve myself in writing, to explore and engage in meaningful conversations. What I cannot do on Facebook, I can do here and that is, again, meaningful conversations, thoughtful exchanges and the kind of reading and writing that adds constructively to your day! See you in Substack!

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We share similar goals. Writing for self-discovery and self-improvement. It's great to hear that you're excited about this journey and have a clear purpose behind your decision to write! It's admirable that you seek to engage in meaningful conversations and thoughtful exchanges.

Substack can indeed provide a more conducive environment for meaningful interactions compared to other platforms like Facebook. The focus on reading and writing that adds value to your readers' day is something that can create a positive and constructive community.

May your writing inspire and resonate with your readers, and most importantly, may you find fulfilment in your self-expression. Happy writing my friend, and see you more often on Substack!

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Thank you so much for the well wishes. It means much. ❤️

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yes, very good, the thought popped into my mind of popularity in reverse, just writing your heart out and being brutally honest about everything so much so that your followers go into reverse. To write joyfully outside of the metric count! Ahhhh! now we're onto something

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Embracing authenticity and writing from the heart can indeed be a refreshing change. Going against the tide and being brutally honest about everything is a daring yet liberating move as a writer. It's about breaking free from the constraints of seeking validation solely through follower counts and instead finding joy in expressing ourselves genuinely. I love the idea of writing joyfully outside of the metric count—it allows for a deeper exploration of our own thoughts and emotions.

Keep exploring this path, and you might discover a whole new level of creativity and meaningful engagement with your readers. Happy writing!

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Indeed! good encouragement ... will read you down the road!!

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Winston, Keep going, do not stop, and hopefully grow - those are my goals too. D

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Thank you Dave, I am glad we share similar goals. Keep going for you too. Don't stop!

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I agree with your headlines, happy to note that you are satisfied with the outcome😊

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Thank you Shameem for your kind words! It's always great to hear that my words resonate with others. Your comment mean a lot to me, and it motivates me to keep delivering good work. Thank you. 😊

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And having a clear direction of travel starting from where you are now beats having a destination that is pure fantasy.

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I couldn't agree more John! While having ambitious dreams and destinations can be inspiring, it's essential to ground ourselves in reality and focus on the steps we need to take from where we currently are. By doing so, we can make steady progress, it's all about striking the right balance between ambition and practicality to ensure we're heading in the right direction with confidence and determination.

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Thank you for your honest story. Too many people write about success when more often than not they are faking it until they make it.

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I completely agree with you Roland. It's essential to share honest stories, especially when it comes to success and achievements. While some people may present an image of constant success, the reality is often quite different. Embracing the journey is what truly makes success meaningful and inspiring. Thank you!

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You touch upon an area where few writers go. Popularity, as you state, is greatly exaggerated and very ephemeral. Up one day, down the next - a variant of Andy Warhol’s fifteen minutes of fame.

I’ve even seen in a few instances where this illusion leads writers to begin focusing only on their accolades, name dropping to impress. It’s not pretty. After a few accounts of me, me, me executed to puff up the egoI tune out.

You, however, enter and commit to the right attitude. Your writing, like everyone’s, tends to focus on yourself but in an honest and revealing manner. The reader sees you, warts and all. Those are the kinds of writers who not only grow in their work but inspire the rest of us to think about our priorities as well.

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Thank you so much for your thoughtful and perceptive comment Thomas. I genuinely appreciate your insights on the fleeting nature of popularity and the potential pitfalls of writers getting caught up in self-promotion and name-dropping. It's essential to remain grounded and true to ourselves as writers. Your encouragement means a lot to me. As my writing improves, I see myself veering into being authentic and transparent with my work, sharing both strengths and vulnerabilities. I believe this is the next phase of my journey, through this honesty I can connect with readers on a deeper level and inspire introspection and growth.

I'm glad that my commitment to this attitude resonates with you and others. It motivates me to continue pushing boundaries and striving for personal and artistic growth in my writing. Ultimately, it's readers like you who provide valuable feedback and encouragement that keeps writers going. So, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and for being part of this journey with me.

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I'm glad Substack has been a positive experience for you, Winston. Me, too. I love writing my newsletter and appreciate you as a reader. Sometimes, it's hard to remember to "enjoy" the journey when it's rocky, but I love your lesson to not quit. That is the true sign that we've failed.

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Thank you so much for your thoughtful response Karen! It's heartening to know that others share a similar passion and joy for writing. You're right, the journey may have its ups and downs, but it's essential to embrace both the smooth and rocky parts. Our determination not to quit, even during challenging times, will be inspiring. It's through these experiences that we learn and grow, making our efforts all the more meaningful.

Keep pushing forward. Cheers to a continued positive experience on Substack and an exciting journey ahead!

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It's definitely all about the journey; the one that starts the day you're born and ends the day you die. And the million stories that lie between.

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That's beautifully said Karen! Life truly is an incredible journey, and each of us embarks on a unique and meaningful path from the moment we're born until the day we bid farewell. It's a journey filled with countless experiences, challenges, and triumphs, forming a tapestry of a million stories that shape who we are. Here's to embracing the adventure of life and making the most of every chapter. Thank you!

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You're welcome. I'm looking forward to reading more of your work.

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