It's really good to have these checks with yourself once in a while. The weekly cadence of publishing can be a grind of one's own making, but is it necessary? Questions I ask myself all the time...

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It's hard to write because we have the feeling that we must to keep an audience. I've slowed my pace and feel better for it.

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Indeed Pamela. It’s all about finding the right balance.

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It is Winston. I am slowing things down and hoping my readers appreciate that.

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Write from your heart. Be honest.

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Thank you Richard.

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I was posting every day at first, it wasn’t until I gave myself permission to only write when I felt my inner voice telling me to write that I started connecting to an audience.

Lately I’ve had to give myself permission to post more! Since Ive been feeling more creative more often.

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You are right Elizabeth, creativity comes in waves—embracing both the slow and the productive periods is key.

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Exactly. I originally began my Substack with intentions to write a column once a week.

It’s amazing how quickly a week passes by. In the meantime I was (and still am) writing poetry so it wasn’t too long before I found myself running dry with ideas.

Now I plan to revive my Substack but write only when something worth saying comes to mind. I may even tie in a poem or two with my topic of the day.

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Combining your poetry with your topics sounds like a great way to keep things fresh and creative.

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Sep 23Liked by Coffee Times

Well said, Winston! The right publication calendar is the one that is aligned with our goals and that we can maintain with joy. Each of us is different.

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Exactly Maria. It's all about finding a rhythm that works for you and brings joy to the process.

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Sep 22Liked by Coffee Times

This is really insightful, thank you for sharing your experiences 🙏

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You are welcome Jen. Glad you enjoyed it.

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I find Substack much harder than Medium because of the payment model - on Medium you will earn either as a writer or boost nominator but here, it is a completely diff ballgame - I have around 200 views per post which is good but it doesn't necessarily translate to conversations

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You're right Yana, Substack's model feels more challenging and each platform have its pros and cons. Regardless the platform, it's all about finding a system that works for you and brings joy in the process.

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The truth…

Thought provoking…


Thanks for the wonderful post!

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Thank you Ron. Much appreciated!

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